

Frontend, Backend, Full Stack Webdeveloper

I'm actively looking for a job, frontend, backend, full stack web Developer.
I am passionate on coding, such as UI frontend design and backend structure data and I also stand for quality. I have built React, Angular, Ionic and Flask, Pygame, JavaScript vanilla projects in full stack with backend firebase, MongoDB and SQL.I love spending time on fixing little details and optimizing web apps as well as debugging. I like working in a team, to collaborate and to grow together. As the saying goes: 'team's power is unlimited'.
I program Excel VBA to build applications and tools, such as simulating models, converting DLS system to actual location, and SQL coding to query database. .

Megan Xu


“You can do anything you set your mind to.”


Ionic Project

This is ionic app,deployed as web to demonstrate,
signup, login, edit/delete contacts, filter contacts.

Tags: Design, Development, Ionic, Typescript,firebase

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Angular Project

This is a small angular Project,

Tags: Design, Development, Angular, Typescript, firebase

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Alex and Me

upload pictures and edit content, little fun to play with.

Tags: Development, React, MongoDB, @material-ui/core

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Welltest AOF

Petroleum engineering application,strong maths and logic behind it.

Tags: Development, Reactjs, Firebase, download PDF file

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More Projects

Flask Project Details or Github

Group Project ---Metronome Github

React Project Details

JavaScript vanilla Project Details

Ruby on Rails Project Github

Local business search Yelp like clone


“Life is full of challenge, always face them.”



“You are never too young to lead, and we are never too old to learn.”

Actively Looking for jobs. If you have openings please contact me @ xu.megan@hotmail.com


Women in Technology

April 2020 - October 2020

Full Stack Web Development Certification Frontend: Frameworks HTML5 / CSS3 with JavaScript, Reactjs, responsive, Bootstrap, Jquery. Backend: Nodejs, express, REST API, test. Modern web design and automation,Prototype design and project modelling. Working system flow knowledge of bitbucket and Sourcetree, as well as git and commandline. Calgary | https://www.makingchangesassociation.ca

University of Petroleum

M.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering China | http://english.upc.edu.cn

Changchun College of Geology

B.Sc. in Exploration Geophysics China | http://cie.jlu.edu.cn/

Work Experiences

Code the Change YYC

Sept - Oct 2020

Practicum - React Web Developer Working with a team of four people to build a website for a volunteer orgnizition. The application was use React as frontend and firebase as backend. Calgary | Code the Change


Jan 2016- now

Consultant Work with clients to help them with database, Excel programming to create tools to speedup the work flow, reservoir engineering,reserve model building, well test analysis, PAS file generating. Calgary | https://megan-consulting-ltd.netlify.app

TC Energy

Mar 2008 - Dec 2015

Gas Supply Analyst/Reservoir Engineer Worked in the oil and gas industry. part of my job is work with database and handle large scale of datasets, build mySQL query to get data. Programming Excel VBA to simulating models and useful tools. Calgary | https://www.tcenergy.com


Real-time streaming data, please feel free to test it, happy playing!